Monday 21 May 2012

60s Fashion

60s Fashion 

The Beatles, the Vietnam War protests, and the hippie movement, these are some things commonly remembered when one speaks of the 60s. However, when it comes to fashion it was known for breaking expectations for women and introducing vibrant colors to the fashion world. Mini-skirts, go-go boots and the androgynous look emerged in the 60s, changing women from the well-refined specimens they once were. 

It’s a Fashion Statement:
With the emergence of political movements, pop and rock and roll, women dressed up more expressively. Being refined became less of a concern as women let their hair go loose and became visually vibrant. The 60s look is one that is emerging today with its colorful designs and graphic prints. With a simple printed dress you too can dress to express. 

Another fashion favorite of the 60s was the  lace or crochet dresses, peter-pan collars and the “sex kitten” look. These although contradicting from the dramatic look above still expressed youthfulness as short hemlines were a important attribute to the look. 

Let it Loose:
A widely popular hairstyle of the 60s was the fringe, also known as bangs, with the poofed up hair. This hairstyle has been revived today with stars like Zooey Deschanel, Adele and Taylor Swift sporting the look. 

Another 60s trend that is emerging today is the cat-eye makeup. With eyeliner and some practice, this look can be perfected as an everyday eye statement. This simple yet catchy look is a 60s statement for the ages. 

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